ISSN: 2455-9687
(A Quarterly International Peer-reviewed Refereed e-Journal
Devoted to English Language and Literature)
Ahimsa is a small word in view, but its miniature form has a vast meaning. If a person wants to practice virtue, develop self-control, achieve the greatest gift, have the best suffering, build the finest strength, make the greatest friend, attain the greatest happiness, worship the highest truth and learn the greatest teaching, he can walk on the path of non-violence. These golden nuggets are pragmatic and attainable and non-violence is the means of achieving these utmost virtues. Read More.
Begging Children in Shobhaa De’s Superstar India: From Incredible To Unstoppable – Madhu Bala Saxena
In this book, Shobhaa De draws the clumsy image of India and compares the affluent with the penniless, the monuments witt the jhuggis and jhopadies, the industrial area with rural surroundings, the natural setting of villages with the great infrastructure along with the great communication system, the glittering malls, the delirious shoppers’ packed food, the dazzling sound of cars, clothes, bathrooms tiles of big cities, etc. This is India where on one side people are leading a luxurious life with every comfort of life without peace of mind, and on the other side people are standing in queue with bowls in their hands to get something from the pockets of the rich fellows. Read More.
Human Bonds: A Reading of Manohar Malgonkar’s The Princes – Abnish Singh Chauhan
Manohar Malgonkar, who has succeeded in carving out a significant place in Indian Fiction in English through the fresh and spontaneous depiction of Indian life and its value-system along with the socio-political and historical changes in the destiny of the nation, skillfully communicates multi-colors of human bonds– ‘man-woman, familial, racial and other social ones’ in his major novel The Princes. The novel presents the uneasy life and broken bonds of the people of an Indian state– Begwad, particularly the painful and problematic stories of the royal family and their unpleasant relations and struggles for survival, leading to the dissolution of the state due to new democratic reforms for the reconstruction of India after Independence. Read More.