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Creation and Criticism

ISSN: 2455-9687  

(A Quarterly International Peer-reviewed Refereed e-Journal

Devoted to English Language and Literature)

Vol. 03, Joint Issue 10 & 11 : July-Oct 2018

Five Poems of Pragya Dewan

Pragya Dewan is studying in Class 12th in Sri Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, New Delhi. She has been writing poems since the age of 11. She has also been learning Kathak dance for the last eight years. She can be contacted at


1. A Desire to Wish


Alluring as it might seem
but devastating it is
just a wish you deem
a deadly mistake ‘tis.


I made my first desire
a long time back
that was the start
for the most wrong track.


One desire had done it all
for drowning me I agony
destiny had made its call
drowning in abyss of tragedy.


Fault was mine
believing wishes don’t cause affliction
all my efforts made paltry
against the desires’ addiction.


2. The Road


The road
it goes on and on
no stopping now
going until the time’s gone.


The road
so peaceful it seems
but who knows what’s underneath
a log burdened stream.


The road
going everywhere but nowhere
instances of travellers it sees
but to silence it adheres.


The road
it feels so life-like
moving through the ups and downs
maybe some goal to strike.


The road
leads me to my destination
running right to it
without any hesitation.


3. Mountains


Covered by trees from top to bottom,
leaves which are as soft as cotton.
Hard outside, but have a heart inside,
minerals, ores only they provide.

Hikers go up, up and top,
see the terraces with greeny crop.
They have peaks purple and blue,
lovely birds; on top they flew.

Sunset makes them shine as gold,
gold is old, and old is gold.

Come tomorrow with me to top,
with chirping birds and their flock.

This was a trip to mountain
that became a happiness’ fountain.


4. Sundown


A breeze came up out of the sea
and said, “O warmth, make room for me.”

It hailed the ships and cried, “Rest now,
ye mariners, the day is gone.”


Through the land it passed
whispering in ears, “sweet dreams, o dears.”

It said to the field of corns,
“Lay bed for the sun to sleep till dawn.”


And out of the farms, “O chanticleer,
Rest your clarion and sleep up there.”

It said unto the trees, “Sing lullabies,
Fold all your leafy banners in.”


It touched the wood bird’s merry wings
and said, “O bird, sleep with sweet dreams.”

It whispered to the belfry tower
“Don’t shout; its away, the morning hour.”


It crossed the churchyard with a sigh
“All your dear ones are in bed as it’s night.” 


5. Reflection


I stared deep
maybe my glare would seep
cause today was different
I could see something belligerent.


The eyes were not shining
like something concealed, hidden
the lips weren’t smiling
Not blurting the feelings forbidden.


I was finding escape
but the reflection unveiled it all
it was my own scepticism
that blocked me like a huge wall.


It was too much truthful
confining me to near suffocation
so the feelings ricochet to myself
Me accepting defeat from my own reflection.


But now I stare again
no more afraid to fall
those dubious feelings released
perhaps that defeat was a feat after all.



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