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Creation and Criticism (CC) also invites latest reviews from the authors for tagging under the tab Reviews to provide the wider readership for the purpose of dissemination of knowledge across the globe.

Jan-April 2023

Me and My Plays by Mahesh Dattani. Rev. by Jagdish Batra
So Help Me God by Mike Pence. Rev. by Anil Shrivastava
A Trip Down the Memory Lane by Satish Kumar. Rev. by Sudhir K Arora

July-Oct 2023

Full Glare of The Noon And After by R.K.B.S. Rev. by S.K. Arora
A Survey of Indian English Poetry by S. Kumar. Rev. by A.S. Chauhan
Life of Pi: A Story of Coexistence. Rev. by Dharmendra K. Singh
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